Advocacy Calendar
11 Human Trafficking Awareness Day
18-25 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
24 International Day of Education
27 International Holocaust Remembrance Day
20 World Day of Social Justice
World Day of Prayer (first Friday in March)
8 International Women’s Day
21 United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racism
22 World Water Day
25 United Nations International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
28 World Hunger Day
7 World Health Day
15 Global Day of Action on Military Spending (on or near Tax Day in U.S.)
22 Earth Day
24 Armenian Martyrs’ Day
24 Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)
1 Immigrant Rights Sunday (first Sunday in May)
10 World Fair Trade Day
15 Nakba Day
15 International Day of Families
21 World Day for Cultural Diversity
5 World Environment Day
8 World Oceans Day
12 World Day Against Child Labor
19 Juneteenth
20 World Refugee Day
26 International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
27 Korea Armistice Day (see Korea Peace Treaty Campaign)
30 International Day of Friendship
30 World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
6 Hiroshima Day of Remembrance
9 International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
14 Sunday of Prayer for the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula (see Korea Peace Treaty Campaign)
19 World Humanitarian Day
20 International Day for Victims of Violence Based on Religious Belief
31 International Day for People of African Descent
8 International Literacy Day
21-27 World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel (third week of September)
21 International Day of Peace
26 International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
2 International Day of Non-Violence
5 World Communion Sunday (always first Sunday in October)
11 International Day of the Girl
13 Indigenous People’s Day (“Columbus Day”)
16 World Food Day
19-25 Breaking the Silence/Congo Week (always third week in October)
24 United Nations Day (anniversary of the UN Charter)
19 World Toilet Day
20 World Children’s Day
25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
29 International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
1 World AIDS Day
2 International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
10 Human Rights Day (anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
18 International Migrants Day
20 International Human Solidarity Day
25 Christmas Day