Presbyterian Church of East Africa

Founded: 1891

Ordained ministers: 482

Lay ministers:  296

Congregations: 1,400

Clinics: 40

Hospitals: 3

Seminary: 1

Membership: 2.5 million

The early beginnings of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa started in 1889 when plans for a Scottish Mission among the Kamba and Maasai and later to the Kikuyu people were laid.  In 1891, a group of missionaries left London for British East Africa.  In 1892, the first temporary Church at Kibwezi was opened.

The PCEA’s Mission statement is:

“Believing that it is entrusted with a Ministry not only to the souls of men, but also their bodies and minds, and following the example of its master, who went about doing good, the Church claims the right, as it shall see fit, to undertake educational, medical or charitable work for the benefit of all who desire its help; and declares its willingness to co-operate with governmental and other agencies in promoting the mental, physical and moral welfare of the whole community.

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