Global Hunger and Food Security

Global Hunger and Food Security

“…for I was hungry and you gave me food…” Matthew 25:35a

Special Calendar Dates

An estimated 690 million people globally will go hungry today. By 2050 the world’s population is expected to increase to 9 billion people, putting pressure on global food systems. And as more people adopt a high calorie, meat-based diet, the price of staples like corn used for cattle feed will continue to rise and will be less affordable for the poorest among us.

Environmental degradation and crop damage due to climate change, the rise of biofuels, and agricultural distortions due to export farming add to the instability of local food cultures, creating conditions of increased food insecurity, hunger, and malnutrition. 



  • Global Ministries projects addressing hunger and agriculture
  • UCC Hunger and Food Security resources
  • UCC Just Eating curriculum
  • Return to the Garden – Disciples resource for creating and operating congregation-based community gardens
  • Disciples Green Chalice Program
  • The UCC One Great Hour of Sharing and the Disciples of Christ Week of Compassion connect you and your congregation with a variety of hunger assistance and sustainable development opportunities.
  • Church World Service provides resources, advocacy and partners with churches in development projects and emergency assistance. CWS Crop Walks are opportunities for local communities to raise awareness and money for hunger programs.
  • Bread for the World conducts research and policy advocacy on food and aid, and promotes other anti-hunger programs.
  • Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance Food for Life Campaign is a global campaign to overcome hunger and to improve livelihoods in harmony with creation and social justice. Resources for study, worship and advocacy are available for congregational use. Resources that examine the important links between food security, nutrition and HIV are also highlighted.
  • Asian Rural Institute, a Global Ministries partner in Japan, provides training for international grassroots rural leaders, including courses in organic farming and the use of appropriate technologies to promote food security.
  • Amity Foundation, a Global Ministries partner in China, promotes projects related to food and integrated community development. They include the improvement of river embankments and arable land, education about better seeds, more access to safe drinking water, and agricultural skills training for peasants.
  • Growing Hope Globally is a Christian, non-governmental humanitarian organization committed to programs of sustainable agriculture.
  • Alliance for Fair Food is a network of human rights, religious, student, labor, and grassroots organizations who work in partnership with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW).

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