2016 Child and Elder Sponsorship Appeal Letter
July 2016
Go forth into the world to serve God with gladness…support the weak; help the afflicted; honor all people. [ELCA]
Dear Friend,
Grace and peace to you! We would like to thank you for your support of the Global Ministries Child and Elder Sponsorship Program or your expressed interest in children and elders around the world. In some way you are one of the many who have helped to change the lives of destitute children and elders of our partners. Sponsorships and designated gifts can fill a person with a lifetime of joy and delight knowing they have served one-of-the-least in our global community. We are humbled by the generosity of donors to our ministry. We celebrate this ministry and leadership provided the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Division of Overseas Ministries and the United Church of Christ, Wider Church Ministries.
Betty in the Philippines recently wrote: It is always our joy to witness how innocent and helpless children grow into mature and responsible beings with Global Ministries’ support. Being able to finish their studies is a powerful tool for them. So many after their studies pay it forward by reaching out to help others and continuing the mission we are all part of. We are thankful to all our sponsors who make this possible and feel blessed by our partnership.
Over the years the generosity of our donors has transformed the living situations of so many who have needed our help. The success and achievements of the program is your triumph as well! We are glad to say that never have sponsorship donations been used to support the program’s administration; children and elders receive 100% of your gifts. Both denominations contribute to underwriting the administrative costs. Every effort is made to minimize the program’s overhead; nonetheless, we need your assistance to ensure more individuals can be served.
Your gift towards the administration of the program in any amount will be appreciated as we walk the journey together with partners to provide aid and social justice. A generous gift earmarked to support the program for future years was received. However, we need your help this year to help defray program operations and it is our hope and faith this will be the final Global Ministries Child and Elder Sponsorship Appeal for some time.
All gifts are tax-deductible and you can use the enclosed envelope or easily donate online: https://donate.globalministries.org/onlinegiving. As some in the Philippines would say – Romba Nandri (thank you in Tagalog)
Yours in Service,
Linda Lawrence, Program Manager
Child and Elder Sponsorship