Kgolagano College

Kgolagano College was established in 1975 by five churches (African Methodist Episcopal Church, Botswana Diocese [Anglican], Church of God in Christ, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa, and the United Congregational Church in Southern Africa) and was called the Botswana Theological Training Programme (BTTP). In 1987, the BTTP became Kgolagano College of Theological Education by Extension.

The college offers academic training in theology. It is made up of mainline churches in Botswana, and is run by a Board of Trustees that includes the Botswana Council of Churches (BCC) and Botswana Bible Society. Like other tertiary institutions, the college is governed by the Botswana Qualifications Authority Act, which prescribes how the leadership of tertiary institutions should be constructed.

As an institution founded by churches, the College was mainly supported by the foreign donor community. During this period, it was mainly training to meet the Human Capacity exigencies of the member churches and associated Christian community. When donor fatigue engulfed the nation, the college lost its crucial support, impacting its operations and ability to strengthen its capacity.

Up to the 2009-2011 strategy planning cycle, the college offered Theological Education up to the diploma level in Botswana for forty years. The college has since been accredited by the Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA). This includes diversification of its courses and establishment of a sustainable administrative framework and financial strategy.

The college is headed by a governing board, with an executive committee responsible for the operations of the college and reporting to the board. It offers post-graduate training and Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA) accredited courses at degree, diploma, and certificate levels.

The college has entered into a partnership with CCL Consultancy, resulting in what is now known as CCL Kgolagano Business School in Gaborone.

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