Evangelical Seminary of Theology (SET), Cuba
Seminario Evangélico de Teología, Matanzas, Cuba

The Evangelical Seminary of Theology (SET) was established in Matanzas in 1946 as an ecumenical training center. The SET provides high-level theological education to prepare students for full-time ministry in churches and other Christian service endeavors throughout Cuba and elsewhere. The seminary also trains pastors in the town of Holquin for those who want to train but cannot be away from their employment.
The SET provides classes in ministry, Christian Education, and Prison Chaplaincy. Students at the Seminary also study outside the walls of the facility. Students serve churches on the weekends, and in addition to their coursework, they engage in service with HIV/AIDS programs, community centers, orphanages, and hospitals throughout the week. The school also has an organic garden that feeds the seminary’s students, staff, local schools, and community members. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990, Castro declared Cuba a “secular” state instead of an “atheist” state. With the changing of that word in the constitution, there has been a surge of church participation in Cuba. Churches are growing rapidly, and the Evangelical Seminary of Theology is attempting to meet Cuba’s needs and churches by training ministers.
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