Pray with Thailand on Sunday, January 21, 2018
Lectionary Selection: Mark 1:14-20
Prayers for Thailand:
We give thanks, O God, for the knowledge that the people all around the world are our sisters and brothers. We thank you for your faithful people in every land who pray for those on the other side of the world. Open our hearts, we pray, to remember the sister or brother we have never met and may never meet. Help us to remember that human struggles are similar everywhere; that we all long for moments of peace and hope, and the people of Thailand long for it just as we do where we are. We ask for your strength and grace for those in Thailand who minister in the name of Christ, and who work to share the Good News of abundant life with those who are weary and tired. In the words of the Psalmist, let us all trust in you, for you are our refuge. We pray through Jesus Christ. Amen.
Mission Stewardship Moment from Thailand:
At the end of the year 2017, Bangkok finished its third year of being the city with the world’s worst rush hour traffic. I suppose it fits if rush hour goes from 6:30-noon and occurs again from 12:30-8:00 p.m. Maybe 9:00 p.m., depending on which part of town you’re talking about. Traffic is a very large and stressful part of life for anyone who navigates Bangkok regularly.
The Thai people are famous worldwide for their smiles. Yet I’ve seen some rather exhausted and sad-looking people sitting at bus stops at the end of the day. A sense of peace can be hard to come by in a city of 13 million people and some of the world’s worst traffic.
Much has been done to try to make things better and lessen the number of vehicles on the roads. Still, when most of the jobs are in the capital city, people will continue to move there and increase its population.
Sometimes it’s modern life itself that can be spiritually disheartening. People in Bangkok long for the days when there were more trees and fewer skyscrapers, cleaner air, and even breezes from the Gulf of Thailand—which is not far away.
Is God to be found in the city? Of course. As the Psalmist says, “Oh, I must find rest in God only, because my hope comes from God… God is my strong rock.” Pray for the people of the big city, whose souls need refreshment.
(Prayer and Mission Moment by Anne Gregory)
Mission Partners in Thailand:
- McGilvary Faculty of Theology at Payap University
- The Church of Christ in Thailand
- The Thai Burma Border Consortium
More information on Thailand:
Global Ministries Mission Coworker in Thailand:
Anne Gregory serves as an Ecumenical Officer with the Church of Christ in Thailand. Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Churches Wider Mission, and your special gifts.