Pray for Hungary on Sunday, May 14, 2017

Pray for Hungary on Sunday, May 14, 2017

Hungary_2017_Kearstin_Bailey_03.jpegLectionary Selection: John 14:1-14

Prayers for Hungary:

Loving God, Creator of the heavens and earth, we come before you today in awe and thanksgiving knowing that you are always present with us. Despite the hardships that our world faces, we know you are with us as we strive to embody your radical love. As we struggle at times to discern our path in life, may we always turn to you for guidance.

The winds of change are blowing through many places – in Hungary, refugees begin new lives, Roma families integrate into wider society, those in power do what they can to keep it, and society speaks out against injustice. In the midst of all this, the Reformed Church in Hungary aims to be a witness in the world, fulfilling a faithful mission and striving to live as an ever-reforming church.

Hungary_2017_Kearstin_Bailey_01.jpegToday we pray for the church’s range of ministries that seek to help those on the margins of society. In the current context, this work is not always easy, but Christ calls us to follow in His example of radical inclusion and love. We also pray for those who work for justice as they seek to transform the world into a more peaceful and welcoming place.

As we go forth into the world, may we be reminded of Your constant guiding presence as we live out our faith in authentic ways.


Hungary_2017_Kearstin_Bailey_02.jpegMission Stewardship Moment from Hungary:

In the text from John today, Jesus tells his disciples that, “The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own; but the Father who dwells in me does his works.” This statement rings true for the Reformed Church in Hungary now more than ever, given their strong commitment to supporting refugees in the country, despite a political climate that takes a very different approach. The church is navigating these at times uncertain waters due to their faith in God and a strong call to justice.

The RCH is dedicated to its work with refugees and is now being more intentional in its ministry, in the hopes of opening a dialogue with the wider Hungarian society. At the start of the year the church began a new project that aims to help refugees in a practical, immediate sense, while also sensitizing the wider church and society about refugees, thus helping refugees down the road. This new project involves local congregations taking on leadership roles to support the refugee and migrant children in their neighborhood through after-school educational opportunities and also through community events.  

Hungary_2017_Kearstin_Bailey_04.jpgOver the last few years the church’s work with refugees has evolved to suit the given circumstances, but they have always been dedicated to their ever-reforming identity. I am honored to work with the RCH as they strive to listen to and live out what God calls them to do in their context. 

Prayer and Mission Moment by Kearstin Bailey

Mission Partner in Hungary:

More information on Hungary:

Global Ministries Missionary in Hungary:
Kearstin Bailey serves as a Global Mission Intern with the Reformed Church in Hungary. Her appointment is supported by Week of Compassion, Our Church’s Wider Mission, Disciples Mission Fund and your special gifts.