Pray for Guadeloupe and Martinique on Sunday, July 3, 2016

Pray for Guadeloupe and Martinique on Sunday, July 3, 2016

guadeloupe_2016_beth_guy_02.jpgLectionary Selection: Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 

Prayers for Guadeloupe and Martinique: 

O God who calls us and sends us, 

This morning we give you thanks for our brothers and sisters in Martinique and Guadeloupe. We give you thanks for their witness and service. We give you thanks for the love that they share and for the work they do. We give you thanks that even in the midst of struggle or being “lambs in the midst of wolves,” they trust in you and continue on in faith. God, on this day, we particularly ask that you be with them and guide them as they: 

  • Continue a large building project of a parsonage and church building.
  • Enter into a time of transition with several folks leaving and a new pastor coming in.
  • Work to clarify and strengthen their mission within their contexts.
  • Continue work on various projects as they work to serve prisoners, families, and various other struggling populations. 

We hand all of this to you, O God, remembering that sometimes your work is not easy or simple, but worth it. We thank you, God, for the privilege to share your love. Amen.

guadeloupe_2016_beth_guy_01.jpgMission Stewardship Moment from Guadeloupe and Martinique: 

In Guadeloupe, as it is in most places around the world, there is very little support available to families of prisoners. This is a real problem as the suffering of those who love someone in prison is real and palpable. Many of these families make tremendous sacrifices while their loved ones are locked up – whether it is caring for children, arranging their schedules around prison visits, and/or dealing with the general disdain of others when they find out about their situation. So we decided to create a party just for them. 

It took months of planning and organizing. We booked a bounce house, a DJ, a clown, and a caterer. We contacted the city for tents, chairs, and tables. We got food and drinks donated by various local companies and organizations. And at one point, when it looked like it might all fall apart, we prayed and we laughed and we cried and we screamed together. But in the end, God is good, and all was well, and it finally happened. 

guadeloupe_2016_beth_guy_03.jpegThe fete des familles arrived on June 11, 2016. It was a magnificent day filled with hope, love, silliness, laughter, and joy.  

As the families left we were met with countless remarks of “thanks.” They were all spoken in different ways, but essentially the message was, “Thank you for seeing us.” 

And with that, I say thanks be to God for the mission and the witness of the Protestant Church in Guadeloupe. For it is a powerful and beautiful thing.

(Prayer and Mission Moment by Beth Guy) 

Mission Partners in Guadeloupe and Martinique:
The Protestant Reformed Churches of Guadeloupe and Martinique  

More about Guadeloupe:

Global Ministries Missionary in Guadeloupe and Martinique: 
Bethany Guy serves as a Global Mission Intern with the Reformed Protestant Church of Guadeloupe. Her appointment is supported by Week of Compassion, Our Churches Wider Mission, Disciples Mission Fund and your special gifts.