Pray for Chile on Sunday July 8, 2012

Pray for Chile on Sunday July 8, 2012

Prayers for Chile: Mark 6:1-13

Oh Lord, today you reminded me of advice given by a young woman as we unloaded heavy suitcases from the pickup truck at the Shalom Center.  She said, “As you journey through life, keep ligero de equipaje, (keep luggage light).  You remind me to “keep luggage light” when I watch the news of the continuing drought in central Chile, the respiratory epidemic among the children this winter, the despair of those still living in temporary housing after the 2010 earthquake.  You remind me to “keep luggage light,” as I visit the home for indigent elderly at the Curicó Church, as  local politicians make outlandish promises before the upcoming election, as the Bishop shares his concern for families called into the pastorate. Even as I am tempted to lift the weight of concerns and joys onto my shoulders, I ask the Holy Spirit to carry each new burden.  Lord, as you instructed your disciples, may we keep our luggage light on the journey letting go of the impulse to control and offering up to you the needs of the people we meet along the way.     

Mission Stewardship Moment from Chile:

Tatiana is an unusual Chilean woman.  First, she is single and happy, second, she lives alone, and third, she completed her college degree at age thirty. Perhaps the most unusual thing about her is that God miraculously healed her from a devastating lung disease.  She was in the hospital for several months, and as the church prayed, the doctors despaired.    Then one evening, alone in her hospital bed, she gave herself up to God and in the quiet that followed, she finally felt at peace.  A few days later, she left the hospital marveling at her sudden and complete recovery.  Tatiana has been a faithful participant at the Shalom Center, signing up for every available camp, course and workshop.  As she learns about the environment, she discovers how valuable her rural upbringing is in teaching children “the old ways” of healing with natural herbs and plants.  As she learns about conflict transformation, she realizes that she has the ability to mediate conflicts in her family, church, and work.  As she learns about trauma healing, she rejoices in her own miracle and walks with others on the healing path.  As she learns about spiritual development practices, she integrates art and faith into her work with children who are struggling at school.     Yes, Tatiana is an unusual person.  Thanks to the Shalom Center of the Pentecostal Church of Chile, a project supported by Global Ministries, each day she learns how God is using her life to build up the kingdom of Shalom.

(Prayer and Mission Moment by Elena Huegel)

Video Resources for Chile:

          Earthquake Recovery – Pentecostal Church of Chile:

          Blessing Cabins – Pentecostal Church of Chile:

          Shalom Center – Trauma healing and Resilience Development Ministries:

          Shalom Center – Pentecostal Church of Chile:

Global Ministries Partners in Chile:

  • Iglesia Pentecostal de Chile (IPC):
  • Communidad Teologica Evangelica de Chile (CTE):
  • Fundacion de Ayuda Social de las Iglesias Cristianas (FASIC):
  • Centro Ecumenico Diego de MedellinTaller Piret :
  • Fundacion Educación Popular en Salud (EPES):

To learn more about partners and projects in Chile:

Global Ministries Missionary in Chile:

Elena Huegel, a member of Iglesia Cristiana Ebenezer, Los Fresnos, Texas, serves the Pentecostal Church of Chile (IPC). She is an environmental, peace and Christian education specialist at the Shalom Center.