Pray for Botswana on Sunday, July 31, 2011
Prayers for Botswana: Matthew 14:13-21
Modimo wa rona (Our heavenly Lord),
We come
to you asking for Thy direction- to be given the discernment and power to make a difference in this world. Allow our prayers, financial gifts and acts
of solidarity to glorify you and be a catalyst of hope and encouragement to those individuals at the eye of uncertainty and difficulty.
At this moment and time, let us first remember
the people of Botswana- who like so many others in Southern Africa are struggling with rapid inflation, rising
food prices and stagnant salaries. Let us also lift up the United
Congregational Churches in Southern Africa in Botswana , Kgolagano College of
Theological Education and the Botswana Christian Council for their Christian
witness in word and deed-in the training of pastors; providing new direction to commercial sex
workers, street children, orphans and prisoners; and encouragement to those
infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.
We give thanks to you Lord, because you have
never abandoned us and through Christ Jesus have instilled in us a sense of
community that reaches all the way around the world. Mo, rea go kopa, Rara, ka
Jesu Keresete, Mmoloki wa rona.
Mission Stewardship Moment from Botswana:
For all intents and purposes it shouldn’t
be happening. Although Ramotswa UCCSA is a small congregation with limited
resources and divergent backgrounds, it has continually shown that it won’t be not bound by its own limitations, thanks to the
blessed power of Christ Jesus. Near the beginning of the Gospel of John it says, “those who receive the Word made
flesh are born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man,
but of God” (John 1:13).
Over the last several months the Church has
hosted a revival; engaged in clothing drives to help the less fortunate,
conducts a ministry for the children
whose parents work in the local factories, built a small church at an outstation and is
currently engaged in the building of a new structure at the church’s present
site; has an active lay preacher’s program whereby they deliver the sermon two
Sundays each month; many of the
parishoners are also actively engaged in a myriad of community projects. To be honest, when I was asked to
serve as the moruti (pastor) at Ramotswa UCCSA, a congregation of 40 adults, I
thought I was committing myself to preaching on Sunday mornings and doing the
occasional pastoral visit and funeral. However, that has proven to be wrong.
They have come to show me in a very real way, that through Christ Jesus, we are
not bound. The Church should and must be
a place where all are brothers and sisters; friends. Although I oftentimes find
it hard to keep up with all the things the congregation want to do, we give
thanks to God that both Jayanthi and I were allowed to serve the Church in
Botswana. It is a gift, and opportunity and a challenge!
(Prayer and Mission
Moment by Jim and Jayanthi Wilson)
Global Ministries International Partners in Botswana:
Botswana Council of Churches founded
in 1966 with 36 member churches. The Council exists to serve the
churches, to enable them to serve God and God’s people, especially those in
need. It is a national body which is affiliated to the All Africa Conference of
Churches and to the World Council of Churches. Among the many projects which it
is involved in, include evangelical and developmental work among the Hambukushu
people on the western side of the delta in Ngamiland and assisting children in
especially difficult circumstances (street kids) in the capital of Gaborone,
through rehabilitation, re-education and reintegration into society
United Congregational Church of
Southern Africa – Botswana Synod. Kgodisong Centre was started in
July 2001 by the United Congregational
Church of Southern Africa (UCCSA) in
Kanye, a partner denomination with Global Ministries. It began as an initiative
to address the escalating number of orphans in Kanye. According to national
records from the Department of Social Services 51 600 orphans are registered
countrywide. Approximately 5,000 of these are registered in Kanye alone. This
alarming figure is by far due to the HIV/AIDS pandemic followed by road
accidents and other factors. These children at risk in the local community are
provided with a safe environment for learning, nutritious meals along with
varying other assistance each week day.
Kgolagano Theological College. Since its beginning in 1975, Kgolagano is the only ecumenical theological
institution in the country, both in terms of staffing as well as student body. Although the major focus of its
programme has always been the promotion of theological education for the pastors
of Botswana., Kgolagano cannot and does not ignore the life issues facing the
people of the nation. It has an active, grass-root HIV/AIDS awareness programme as well as an
educational empowerment programme for
individuals incarcerated in prison.
More info on Botswana:
Global Ministries Missionaries in Botswana:
Jim and Jayanthi Wilson are missionaries with the Kgolagano College of
Theological Education in Gaborone, Botswana. Jim serves as a tutor
of theology at Kgolagano College of Theological Education. Jayanthi
serves as the coordinator of the College library.
Pray for Partners without Global Ministries Mission
Personnel: Sri Lanka
For more info on Sri Lanka: