GMI applications almost due!

GMI applications almost due!

Do you have a young adult in your life who is interested in international service? Are you approaching graduation and want to witness God’s work in the world? The Global Mission Intern program invites you to serve one to three years with one of our international partners.

As  an intern, you learn more about yourself, God, and the amazing work that God’s people are doing around the world. You build relationships with other GMIs, other mission co-workers, and international partners that change the way you look at the world.

Global Mission Interns come back equipped to provide a global perspective on issues facing the church in our hurting world today – and in partnership with domestic partners, U.S. based placements are offered for up to a year after return.

Who can apply? Young adults who are members of the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) between the ages of 21-30 who have recently graduated or who are about to graduate from college, willing to receive the gifts of our partners as well as to share in an intentional process of service.

If you are interested, please fill out the application and return it to the Mission Personnel Office by March 31, 2019


Don’t have a full year to intern but want to experience God’s work in the world? Consider participating in Hungary’s incredible young adult gathering – still one space left for this amazing summer youth festival in Hungary!