News from the Evangelical and Reformed Church of Honduras
Training to Lead God’s Church
The Evangelical and Reformed Church of Honduras takes seriously the necessity for quality leadership within the Church. Overcoming the wide geographic distribution of participants, the Synod developed a series of different trainings and workshops throughout 2016 for local leaders and pastors to help cultivate the tools necessary to lead within their various faith communities.
Including the Board of Directors for the Synod, 35 pastors gathered for a Spiritual Retreat including fasting and prayer in January. The pastors discussed how to be better leaders and ministers, as well as understanding the weight of the ministry God entrusted to each of them. The Board discussed how to serve as a more effective administration to the Synod.
Three separate workshops for young leaders took place throughout the year with the result of 38 different young people receiving their diploma. They were trained to influence their communities, reach young people not currently involved in a church, and become the next generation of leaders in the E&R Church of Honduras. They are called “Generation 100.”
The Conference Coordinators and Pastors of new missions put on a “Planting Healthy Churches” workshop with 22 in attendance. Based on the book of the same name, the workshop allowed the leaders to reflect on the tasks and skills needed to start a new church. Some of the topics discussed were: steps to planting a church, the profile and family of the new pastor, and the characteristics of a healthy newly established church.
The Synod hopes to continue the good work started with workshops for young leaders and church planters while also establishing a training for new pastors, a workshop for women leaders, and a process of certification for missionary pastors.