CMEP Bulletin: Warren Comes Out Against Anti-BDS Bill
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren Comes Out Against anti-BDS Bill [Haaretz]
Haaretz reports, “U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, one of the leading progressive voices within the Democratic Party, said on Monday [8/7] that she opposes the controversial Israel Anti-Boycott Act. Civil rights groups have warned that the bill could hurt free speech by imposing penalties on U.S. citizens for supporting boycotts of Israel and the settlements.”
Taylor Force Act Passes Senate Hurdle, On Path to Become Law [The Jerusalem Post]
The Jerusalem Post reports, “The Taylor Force Act – originally drafted exclusively by Republicans – earned support [on Thursday 8/3] from Democratic senators and several Israel advocacy organizations that were previously holding out for edits to the legislation. Sixteen members of the Foreign Relations Committee voted in favor of the bill while five voted against it. The legislation will now proceed to the Senate floor for a full vote. Should it pass, the Taylor Force Act would compel the State Department to cut off funding to the PA over its ‘martyr’ compensation scheme, which offers monthly stipends to the families of convicted assailants relative to the lengths of their sentences.”
Jordanian King Makes Rare West Bank Trip Seen As Message to Israel [The Times of Israel]
The Times of Israel reports, “Jordan’s king flew by helicopter to the West Bank on Monday [8/7] for a rare visit seen as a signal to Israel that he is closing ranks with the Palestinians on key issues, such as the contested Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. Abdullah II met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah in his first visit to the West Bank in five years.”
PA Says Won’t Resume Security Coordination With Israel Unless Demands Are Met [Ma’an News Agency]
Ma’an News Agency writes, “Palestinian officials told Ma’an on Monday [8/7] that the Palestinian Authority (PA) would not consider resuming its controversial security coordination with Israel unless the latter acceded to a number of demands. … Mahmoud al-Habbash, Abbas’ advisor on religious and Islamic affairs, told Ma’an on Monday [8/7] evening that the PA did not oppose resuming security coordination, but that Israel first had to cease all military activity in Area A — the 18 percent of the occupied West Bank officially under full PA control — as well as grant the PA the right to control border crossings.”