News from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Argentina

News from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Argentina


Strengthening relationships between congregations

Through camps, meetings, retreats, trainings, and other activities, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Argentina has created opportunities for the congregations of Chaco and Buenos Aires to engage in fellowship and share moments that foster faith formation. Through these efforts, they hope to encourage participation among the communities. They also hope to help children and adolescents find healthy environments and activities, instead of engaging in destructive behaviors.

argentina_camp.jpgA thriving camp ministry in the Chaco

For many years in the Chaco, a camp for children and adolescents has been held every summer with the aim of strengthening ties, teaching church identity, and developing potential leadership. There are several participants who began as campers at an early age and today are adolescents who carry out leadership tasks by organizing and guiding camp activities such as games, studies, etc. The most recent camp theme was “God calls us to a new moment.”

Building a relationship with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Paraguay

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Argentina is meeting with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Paraguay to further strengthen their relationship with Paraguayan sisters and brothers. In an effort to unite both regions, a youth and adolescent camp was held in Buenos Aires in 2014 in the Saavedra congregation. Ten young people from the Chaco participated in this event.