CMEP Action Alert: Tell the Candidates to Prioritize Peace!
Churches for Middle East Peace invites you to join 20 American Christian leaders, including the General Ministers and Presidents of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ, the Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins and the Rev. Dr. John Dorhauer, in sending a letter to the presidential candidates asking them to pledge to make Israeli-Palestinian peace an immediate priority during their first year in office.
The candidates need to hear from American Christians now that Holy Land peace cannot be postponed and that we will support diplomatic leadership. This is our opportunity to act upon our conviction that God can “make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19)
The work for a durable Israeli-Palestinian peace is never easy, but the risk of inaction is far greater. Without active U.S. engagement, achievement of a two-state solution will become even more difficult. A further delay of peace will also mean continued emigration of the Christian community in the Holy Land.
Please sign the letter today and circulate it widely to your friends, family and church community. On social media, please use #PrioritizePeace as you do so.