Dignity – A Missionary Story

Dignity – A Missionary Story

The below video is a story told by Elena Huegel, a Global Ministries missionary in Chile. It describes the journey of a Mexican woman, traveling from despair to dignity and empowerment through a simple act of courtesy by a stranger.

En Espanol

Esta es una historia contada por un misionero de los EUA a Chile, Elena Huegel. En él se describe el viaje de una mujer mexicana, viaja de la desesperación a la dignidad y la autonomía a través de un simple acto de cortesía por un desconocido.


Elena Huegel serves with the Pentecostal Church of Chile (IPC).  She serves as an environmental and Christian education specialistHer appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Churches Wider Mission, and your special gifts.