Sabeel Wave of Prayer–Week of March 21, 2016
Wave of Prayer: This prayer ministry enables local and international friends of Sabeel to pray over regional concerns on a weekly basis. Sent to Sabeel’s network of supporters, the prayer is used in services around the world and during Sabeel’s Thursday Communion service; as each community in its respective time zone lifts these concerns in prayer at noon every Thursday, this “wave of prayer” washes over the world.
Tuesday marked World Water Day as recognized by the United Nations. This day emphasized the importance water has in our lives and jobs, and advocated about water-related issues. This coincides with the World Council of Churches Lenten focus on water in the Middle East, specifically in Palestine. Over the last 7 weeks churches all over the world have read devotions and prayed for peace, justice, and access to water for the people in Palestine.
Creator God, please be with these organizations as they spread the word about water inequality and injustice all over the world. Allow them to share these truths with those who would otherwise never learn about them, and help us all to work together to bring equal water access to all. Lord, in your mercy…
Holy Week in Palestine is the most important time in the Christian calendar, filled with services, processions, and special traditions recognizing Christ’s journey in this land. Though many Palestinian Christians will not be able to participate in these things, because they have been denied permits to enter Jerusalem. Therefore they will have to celebrate the holiest days in the life of the Church, separated from the rest of the body of Christ.
Lord, we rejoice in the approaching end of the Lenten season and the soon coming of Easter. But it is hard to feel the full joy of Christ’s resurrection when we are separated from friends and family who live on the other side of the wall. We ask that, just as you broke the bonds of death and brought Christ to life again, you will also break the bonds of the Israeli Occupation, and bring peace to this land. Lord, in your mercy…
Hiba Sharafa, a Palestinian woman living in Gaza, had a simple dream: to become a school teacher. This dream was made more complex, however, by the fact that she was born with Down syndrome. However, after many years and much hard work, Hiba has become the first individual with Down syndrome to work as a teacher in Gaza, working specifically with children who have intellectual and developmental disabilities.
God of grace, we thank you for Hiba’s commitment to teaching and for her perseverance to do so, regardless of the obstacles in her way. We ask that her example serve as a role model to others who are differently-abled, to inspire them to accomplish their dreams as well. Lord, in your mercy…
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden called on Israel Sunday, yet again, to keep their commitment to a two-state solution. He stated that settlement expansion and land-grabbing are quickly eroding the hope of a Palestinian state, and are signs that Israel is not serious about wanting to establish peace. Biden said he sees things moving more and more in the direction of a one-state solution, which he said would be a dangerous outcome.
God of justice, we are thankful that the world is recognizing the damage illegal settlements have caused in this region and to the Palestinian people. Yet we are still waiting for some sign that hope in a two-state solution is not futile. Despair often overwhelms us, and the peace process remains stagnant. We ask that you send your presence and your light into this conflict, and help us to find the hope we need to carry on. Lord, in your mercy…
We pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.