Sabeel Wave of Prayer: Week of Feb. 15, 2016
Wave of Prayer: This prayer ministry enables local and international friends of Sabeel to pray over regional concerns on a weekly basis. Sent to Sabeel’s network of supporters, the prayer is used in services around the world and during Sabeel’s Thursday Communion service; as each community in its respective time zone lifts these concerns in prayer at noon every Thursday, this “wave of prayer” washes over the world.
Resistance to the occupation and its repressive measures continues, in many instances violently. On Sunday alone there were eight alleged attacks in the span of 12 hours, resulting in the deaths of five Palestinians, three of whom were under the age of 16. The situation continues to worsen as despair among young people increases, and as excessive force to curtail attacks becomes the norm.
God of all, we plead for an end to this violence and for an end to the occupation that is the root cause of it. We weep for the lives that have been lost, and for those that will yet still be lost in the near future. Help us to see a way out of this madness we are living in, and to find hope within you when it does not seem present in the world around us.
Lord, in your mercy…
Approval was recently granted to begin construction to expand the plaza at the Western Wall for Jews to pray. This threatens to disrupt the already fragile status quo, as this construction will involve tunneling beneath the Muslim Quarter, and will turn land set aside as a secular archeological site into Jewish religious property. This is yet another instance of Israel creating facts on the ground within Jerusalem, in violation of international law.
Lord, we know you stand on the side of the weak and oppressed; that your Son preached that the last would be first and the first last. Yet it is sometimes hard to believe in this when one encounters the harsh realities on the ground here. Grant us reassurance, God, that you remain present with those who suffer at the hands of injustice.
Lord, in your mercy…
Many exciting programs are happening at Sabeel. The Women’s Group in Jerusalem attended a Lenten Bible study in Jericho on Tuesday of this week, while Sabeel Nazareth continues their Bible study focused on Liberation Theology.
Lord, we give you thanks for the ability to reach out and connect with the local Christian community here in Palestine/Israel. Help our ministries continue to grow and allow them to provide strength and unity among those who attend.
Lord, in your mercy…
Sabeel is organizing an international witness visit from the 10th to the 18th of May 2016 with the theme Living Together – An Interfaith Mosaic – A Window into the Religious Communities Living in The Land of The Holy One.
Lord, we pray for an enriching and fruitful visit that will enable the participants to see and learn firsthand the situation on the ground. We pray that they will go back inspired and encouraged to continue the work of justice and peace for this troubled land.
We pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.