CMEP Action Alert: Act Today for Cremisan & Pray for Peace
In the Cremisan Valley, Israeli government and Israeli court decisions continue to discard the most overarching reality…the Cremisan Valley is not Israeli territory; it is occupied Palestinian territory. We must maintain a strong and visible witness to the preservation of the existing Palestinian community in the Cremisan Valley as we also advocate for an end to the occupation that keeps both Palestinians and Israeli in perpetual uncertainty.
The continuing push and pull of Israeli authority over land that it cannot annex under international law directly opposes a peaceful and promising end to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The building and expanding of settlements, and moving Israelis into these settlements is anathema to working for a solution that respects the human and political rights of the Palestinian people, and the promise of peace and greater security for both peoples.This is what is playing out in the Cremisan Valley, where Israeli government and Israeli court decisions continue to discard the most overarching reality…the Cremisan Valley is not Israeli territory; it is occupied Palestinian territory.
We must act today in recognition of this reality.
In mid-August Israeli soldiers used bulldozers to uproot trees in the West Bank Palestinian village of Beir Omah in the Cremisan Valley. This was done in preparation for the planned construction of a new segment of the separation wall. Many members of the international community raised their concerns about the location of this construction and objections to the construction of this wall; construction was halted. However the Israeli intentions to complete the wall and prevent over 140 Palestinian land owners from working their orchards and fields remains in place. Unless we do something different now it is only a matter of time before the bulldozers start again and the wall cuts-off the livelihoods of the people in this valley.
What happened in the Cremisan Valley last month continues to happen in multiple places across the West Bank. This is a stark reminder that while we must bear witness to each incidence of injustice, we are in this for the long-haul…to see real peace begin between Israel and Palestine, and with this the beginnings of a better future for both peoples.
We must maintain a strong and visible witness to the preservation of the existing Palestinian community in the Cremisan Valley as we also advocate for an end to the occupation that keeps both Palestinians and Israeli in perpetual uncertainty, in a status quo that is always changing. Way back in 2008, then Senator Obama said, “I can’t hear you.” to an interviewer asking about his hearing of pro-peace voices. What Obama meant was that he hears often and almost exclusively from people stating the AIPAC position. To us supporting a pro-peace, pro-Israel, pro-Palestine position he said, “You need to make your voice heard so I can’t ignore you.” As the president, I am certain Obama has even more people trying to get him to hear them.
We are the stalwart. We preserve in the race set before us, not because we want to win, but because we want everyone to win…win the rewards of real peace.
What to do today?
First, take action by emailing President Obama to support and insist on movement toward peace and to press Israel to stop taking actions that undermine that future peace. CMEP will also deliver your messages to Secretary Kerry.
Second, respond to the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal’s call for prayer “ …each day for those in the decision-making positions to realize the values of justice and peace in finding a just resolution.” We are in this for the long-haul, but without prayer we won’t last long.
Please take action today, and every time it is needed.
Warren Clark
Executive Director