2015 Child and Elder Sponsorship Appeal Letter
Dear Friend in Mission:
We hope that this letter finds you in good spirits and renewed in God’s grace. You are one of the many who have helped to change the lives of thousands through Global Ministries and the sponsorship program’s ministry. Because of this we would like to share some exciting news with you. Check out the program’s new name and ministry ~ the Global Ministries Child and Elder Sponsorship Program!
The sponsorship program renewed one of the ‘best kept secrets’ of this ministry. For it easy to love children, but the affection and care for the old, the incurable, the helpless are the true gold mines of a culture. (Abraham Joshua Herschel – adapted) As a church ministry, we are called to maintain a mission to help strengthen and further shape the future of destitute children. This mission also encourages us to provide aid to assist the many elders who have little to nothing,with no family support or financial hope for the future. Remember, 100% of designated gifts go to the children and elders.
You have received this letter because you have shown a genuine regard for charitable giving as well as a willingness to share your blessings with others less fortunate. Sponsorship gifts are core to our partners we accompany and the members they serve. You can help us reach our goal to help the poorest of the poor and the oppressed by donating to the cost to operate the program. Your support to this life-giving program will enable us to continue doing God’s work of serving others. We cordially invite you to give a gift of any size to support the program’s operational cost. No donation is too small, but rather it is an act of faith, thanksgiving and grace.
Please contact us to receive a copy of our new brochure at (216) 736-3222 or by email at Lawrencl@ucc.org. Thank you and remember that the Global Ministries Child and Elder Sponsorship program is committed to critical presence . . . meeting God’s people and creation at the point of deepest need: spiritually, physically, emotionally, and/or economically.
Peace and grace,
Linda Lawrence, Manager
Child and Elder Sponsorship Program