Sabeel Wave of Prayer: Galilee, Gaza, Ramadan
Wave of Prayer: This prayer ministry enables local and international friends of Sabeel to pray over regional concerns on a weekly basis. Sent to Sabeel’s network of supporters, the prayer is used in services around the world and during Sabeel’s Thursday Communion service; as each community in its respective time zone lifts these concerns in prayer at noon every Thursday, this “wave of prayer” washes over the world.
Last week Jewish extremists set fire to the Church of the Loaves and Fish on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, causing extensive damage. This was the 18th arson attack on a church or a mosque here in the last four years, and none of the perpetrators have been caught by Israeli authorities. God of mercy, we pray that more serious efforts will be taken to prevent these crimes and religious intolerance, and that your peace will multiply in this land. Lord in your mercy…
This week a UN commission released its anticipated report on Israel’s military offensive in Gaza last summer, finding evidence that both Israel and Hamas committed war crimes and calling the devastation caused in Gaza “unprecedented.” Lord, we pray that the international community follows the recommendations of the UN commission and acts by supporting an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC) into the status of the occupied Palestinian territories. Lord in your mercy…
This week participants of a youth initiative will break the Ramadan fast at sundown at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, only drinking water with salt. They will do this in solidarity with the many Palestinian prisoners in administrative detention without charge or trial and who have been hunger-striking to protest this injustice. Lord, we pray that this event will bring light and urgency to this important issue. Lord in your mercy…
Lord, we pray for our programs this week, including Swedish and French group visits in Nazareth and an “Iftar” breaking of the fast for Ramadan in Bethlehem with our partners at Al-liqa Center. Lord in your mercy…
We pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Lord in your mercy…