Global Ministries, coalition, expresses concerns over displacement of bedouins
In a letter dated June 4, 2015, Global Ministries’ co-executives, the Rev. Julia Brown Karimu and the Rev. Dr. James Moos, expressed their concern over a plan Israel is implementing to displace more than 7000 Bedouins in the West Bank.
The letter begins, “In September 2014, a number of international aid, faith, and development agencies working in Palestine and Israel wrote to you urging the U.S. to take immediate action to press Israel to cancel its plans to relocate as many as 7,000 Palestinian Bedouins from 46 communities in Area C of the occupied West Bank. We commend the steps that the U.S. has taken in response to Israel’s relocation plan, as outlined in your December 2014 response to our letter.”
The full text of the letter is below.