Somos Todos Ayotzinapa, We are All Ayotzinapa
Is it mere coincidence that during this Advent season both the United States and Mexico continue a national soul searching brought on by unjust police actions in Ferguson, Missouri and Iguala/Ayotzinapa, Guerrero State? That racism in the U.S. and impunity and corruption in Mexico have troubled the national conscience and brought about horrific acts of heart rending brutality for decades is no secret.
Is it mere coincidence that during this Advent season both the United States and Mexico continue a national soul searching brought on by unjust police actions in Ferguson, Missouri and Iguala/Ayotzinapa, Guerrero State? That racism in the U.S. and impunity and corruption in Mexico have troubled the national conscience and brought about horrific acts of heart rending brutality for decades is no secret. While the primary cause may seem evident in both nations – the practice of slavery in the U.S. for over one hundred fifty years and the rule by a single political party for seventy plus years in Mexico – the solutions remain elusive and a cause for deep division.
When nations struggle with such crises for such a long time, we need these times of national “soul searching” and thinking about our purpose, destiny and our true nature as human beings. Guided by the belief that human beings are created in the image of our loving Creator, we can seek to find, if not enduring solutions to such intractable problems and the evil that results from them, at least the causes for hope that someday peace and justice will reign.
We want to share such a cause for hope discovered in our visit to the capital, Mexico City, last week. Cause for hope in the advance of the Disciples of Christ and Congregational Churches of Mexico and cause for hope that those churches will be active in helping shape human beings who will lead the way to State rule in Mexico dedicated to the priority of peace and justice for all.
Joined by Education Coordinator Rev. Lisania Sustaita Martinez and this year’s President of the Mesa Conjunta, Hna. Ana Yolanda Gutierrez Garcia, Kate and I met with the administration of the Comunidad Teológica de Mexico last week. The result was an agreement to explore ways in which this Consortium of seminaries and organizations could assist in training lay and clergy leaders of the Disciples of Christ and Congregational Churches. We are excited by the programs and diplomas offered in theology, liturgy, social transformation, Bible studies by the Comunidad Teológica.
On return to San Luis Potosí, we read on the Comunidad web site the following statement in response to the murder and disappearance of 49 students in Ayotzinapa. The statement’s effect on us is twofold. First, the hope that a relationship with the Comunidad will further and more deeply involve the leaders of the Mesa Conjunta denominations and their churches in the national “soul searching” process. And second, we now have additional grounds for hope that our churches and their leaders will have a stronger voice in the future in seeking and bringing about the social change necessary to create a “peaceable kingdom” in Mexico.
In conclusion, our “soul searching” as citizens of the U.S. serving in Mexico tells us that it is no coincidence that both the U.S. and Mexico have recently been reminded how far away the nations remain in creating a just and peaceful society. After all, we are neighbors. And that fact has been both a blessing and a curse to each country. In this Advent season, we are thinking about what changes need to take place for our relationship as neighbors to become a blessing for all people in both countries.
Doug Smith and Kate Moyer serve as Long-term Volunteers with the Joint Table for Mission Development formed by the Christian Congregational Churches of Mexico, the Christian Church (DOC), and the Fraternity of Evangelical Christian Churches (DOC) of Mexico. Doug and Kate serve as Consultants for Mission Development. Doug serves with the emphasis in stewardship and resource development. Kate serves with the emphasis on women’s development and theological education. Their appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples’ Mission Fund, Our Churches Wider Mission, and your special gifts.
Mexico City October 22, 2014
Isa 58:1 “Shout out, do not hold back!
Lift up your voice like a trumpet!”
The students, teaching staff and administration of the seminaries and organizations that make up the Theological Community of Mexico:
Augsburg Lutheran Seminary
Baptist Seminary of Mexico
Saint Andrew Anglican Seminary
Dr. Gonzalo Báez Camargo Methodist Seminary
Mexican Association of Rural and Urban Transformation (Civil Society Organization)
Latin American Faculty of Reformed Theology
Word of Wisdom Institute
Outraged by the climate of violence and insecurity that grips the entire country and deploring the latest atrocity that occurred September 26 of this year in Ayotzinapa:
We declare our bewilderment, our great concern and dismay in response to the killing of 6 Normal Teaching School students and the disappearance of 43 others, at the hands of the state police troops. That this has happened is evidence of a failed State ruled by base, corrupt practices. It also reveals that a humanitarian crisis, resulting from systemic violence currently, exists in Mexico and that the rule of Law has been unable to enforce justice in the country. This reality comes out of the poverty and narcotics trade and continues to produce flagrant violations of human rights.
The latest events are linked to similarly tragic facts such as the discovery of numerous hidden graves in the Ayotzinapa area, the assassination of social activists, a general climate of insecurity, lack of opportunities for personal advance, and policies and reforms that create an environment of violence and disrespect for the rule of law.
As persons of faith, we cannot remain silent before this abominable reality. As Jesus Christ stood up for the dignity and value of every human being, we believe that all Mexicans have a right to a life of dignity, peace, freedom, and justice.
It is to that end that we join in protesting what has recently occurred and call on the Mexican Government to carry out:
- The return of the 43 disappeared students alive.
- Reparations for the physical, psychological and economic damages suffered by the victims and their families.
- Punishment of those responsible for these crimes
- Restoration of public order and safety
In addition, as signs of our sincere solidarity, we announce that:
- Our chapel facilities are available for any group or organization that is planning a religious service for the victims and their families.
- The chaplain staff of the Comunidad Teológica offers its services of psychological counsel and spiritual accompaniment to all those affected at no cost.
- A food collection center has been opened to benefit the families of the disappeared.
- We are joining in the suspension of classes to be carried out by universities on October 23, in recognition and awareness that we too are students and Mexicans.
- We will be closely following the planning of other actions of support in order to participate in them as well.
- We propose that the regular wearing of a green ribbon in Mexico be practiced as a sign of hope and love of life and of struggle and resistance in the face of injustice.
Isa 58:9-10 “Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;
You shall cry for help, and he will say, Here I am.
If you remove the yoke from among you,
The pointing of the finger, the speaking of evil …..
Then your light will rise in the darkness.” (NRSV, 1989)
México, D.F. a 22 de octubre de 2014.
¡Grita con toda tu fuerza, no te reprimas! ¡Alza tu voz como trompeta!
Isaías 58:1
Las y los alumnos, cuerpo docente y administrativo de los Seminarios y Organizaciones que conformamos la Comunidad Teológica de México:
Seminario Luterano Augsburgo Seminario Bautista de México Seminario Anglicano San Andrés
Seminario Metodista Dr. Gonzalo Báez Camargo
AMEXTRA Asociación Mexicana de Transformación Rural y Urbana A.C. Facultad Latinoamericana de Teología Reformada
Instituto Palabra de Sabiduría
Indignados por el clima de violencia e inseguridad que impera en todo el país y reprobando los hechos sucedidos en Ayotzinapa el día 26 de septiembre del presente año:
Manifestamos nuestra impotencia, consternación y rechazo por el asesinato de 6 normalistas y la desaparición de otros 43, a manos de las fuerzas policiacas estatales. Este suceso es una muestra de un Estado fallido, inmerso en prácticas corruptas. Además, revela que existe una crisis humanitaria en México que tiene sus bases en la violencia sistémica, ya que la Ley ha sido incapaz de hacer justicia. Esta realidad se recrudece por la pobreza y el narcotráfico y ha generado una flagrante violación a los Derechos Humanos.
Estos hechos se suman a otras lamentables situaciones como el encuentro de numerosas fosas clandestinas, los asesinatos de luchadores sociales, el clima de inseguridad, la falta de oportunidades y la imposición de políticas públicas y reformas que generan un ambiente de violencia e inconformidad.
Como personas de fe, no podemos permanecer calladas ante esta terrible realidad. Ya que Jesucristo buscó la dignificación y humanización de cada persona, creemos que todas y todos los mexicanos tenemos derecho a una vida digna, a la paz, a la libertad y a la justicia.
Por lo que nos sumamos a las acciones de protesta por los acontecimientos ya mencionados y exigimos que el Estado mexicano garantice:
- La presentación con vida de los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos.
- El resarcimiento de los daños físicos, psicológicos y económicos a las víctimas y sus familiares.
- Que estos delitos no queden impunes.
- La reconstrucción del orden público.
Y además, como muestra de nuestra sincera solidaridad, comunicamos que:
- La capilla de nuestras instalaciones está disponible para cualquier grupo o colectivo que necesite realizar un acto religioso por las víctimas y sus familias.
- La Capellanía de la Comunidad Teológica extiende sus servicios de acompañamiento espiritual y psicológico a los afectados de forma gratuita.
- Se abre un centro de acopio de víveres para las familias de los estudiantes desaparecidos.
- Nos unimos al paro nacional de universidades programado para el 23 de octubre, conscientes de que nosotros también somos estudiantes, mexicanas y mexicanos.
- Estaremos pendientes de las siguientes acciones de apoyo para unirnos a ellas.
- Proponemos a toda la sociedad mexicana el uso permanente de un distintivo de listón color verde, en señal de esperanza y amor a la vida; de lucha y de resistencia ante esta situación de injusticia.
Llamamos al Señor y Él respondió, pedimos ayuda y Él nos dijo: Aquí estoy. Porque desechamos el yugo de opresión, el dedo acusador y la lengua maliciosa… Él hace brillar nuestra luz en las
tinieblas. Isaías 58: 9,10
Datos de Contacto:
Comunidad Teológica de México San Jerónimo 137, San Ángel.
Tel. 56 16 37 42 y 55 50 38 22.
Correo electrónico: