UCC and Disciples leadership sign letter supporting peacemaking in Syria
#Faith leaders urge @WhiteHouse: US strategy needed to end violence in #Syria
“As people of faith, we will pray for the people of Syria and for wisdom and courage for you and your Administration as you seek to respond to their plight. We commit to action in our own communities of faith so that neither the Syrian crisis nor the international responsibility to respond to it is forgotten.” That is how a new letter addressed to the White House concluded. The tragedy in Syria continues, with no clear end in sight, but the faith community stands firm in urging the US to play a proactive and peaceful role.
The letter, released today, was signed by Global Ministries’ co-Executives, the Rev. Julia Brown Karimu and the Rev. Dr. James Moos, as well as United Church of Christ Justice and Witness Ministries Executive Minister, the Rev. Linda Jaramillo. They joined other Christian leaders, as well as leaders from the Jewish and Muslim communities in sending the letter. It represents continued efforts on behalf of the faith community to ensure that Syria is a priority, and that an end to the tragedy is sought with urgency.
Click here to read the full letter.
The United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) continue to offer support for the work of many partners in the region to provide humanitarian response to the needs of Syrian refugees. Please consider supporting the work of Global Ministries’ partners’ relief efforts in and around Syria. You can do that through One Great Hour of Sharing (UCC), the Week of Compassion (Disciples), or through Global Ministries directly.