“The Aftermath”–Saddad, Syria attacked by terrorists
[The Forum for Development, Culture, and Dialogue is a partner of Global Ministries. In addition to its regular work, it has been actively engaged in humanitarian response to the crisis in Syria, work that the UCC and Disciples have supported. The following is a report that the Forum shared with partners.]
Sadad is a Syriac Orthodox town with a population of 15,000. It is located in the desert region 160 km North of Damascus. There are 14 churches and monasteries, four priests and five halls for banquets and social activities. Most of Sadad’s residents are educated, loving and peaceful.
Following the Syrian crises, 600 families (23,000 persons) migrated to Sadad and became IDPs from the surrounding Syrian provinces and villages. For most of the conflict Sadad has remained a safe area, but on the 21st of October 2013, terrorists invaded Sadad. After occupying the town for one week, the terrorists were forced out by the Syrian Army.
Because of the occupation of the northern part of Sadad by the terrorists, two thousand five hundred (2,500) families left Sadad and were dispersed between Damascus, Homs and the rural villages of the area especially Fairouzeh, Zadl, Maskana and Fhileh. One thousand five hundred (1,500) families including children, elders and young men and women were detained for a week as hostages by the armed groups. Some of them escaped and had to walk a distance of 8 km from Sadad to Hafar in order to find a refuge from the attack.
Forty five (45) civilians including women, elders and babies were killed by bullets or strangulation and several houses were destroyed. Seven (7) people are still missing and fifty (50) are wounded.
Click here to view and read the full report, including photos.