Northwood Christian Church
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On September 24, 2013 the Disciples Women of Northwood Christian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana, hosted a speaker, Wanda Burris, from the Disciple Woman to Woman Worldwide (WWW) trip to China in 2012. A Chinese dinner was prepared under the direction of Reverend Dr. Janet Casey-Allen, including dishes that she grew up eating at home. Worship was held with Reverend Doris Woodruff-Filbey and Reverend Dr. Casey-Allen officiating. The group took up a love offering in the amount of $163.80 for the Minnie Vautrin China Fund, the special project selected by the WWW China trip participants. Resources from the Minnie Vautrin China Fund will be used for projects with poor and marginalized women and girls from the rural areas of China such as education, support of the poor, medical care, and small loans for women starting small businesses through the Zhoukou Lay Training Program in Henan Province and the YMCA in Shanghai.