WWPPI launched at the Separation Wall

WWPPI launched at the Separation Wall


The World week for Peace of the Palestine Israel Ecumenical Forum of the World Council of Churches was just launched at the wall separating Jerusalem from Bethlehem. An ecumenical service began with a reading from the latest statement by the heads of Churches on restrictions to worship in Jerusalem.

Rev. John Calhoun, Convenor, World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel reports that the WWPPI begins on Sunday, 22 September. In a communique, Calhoun says: “On Sunday and throughout the coming week, congregations and community groups will gather to perform acts of worship, education, and advocacy in support of an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine and a just and lasting peace for all in Palestine and Israel. As you gather for worship on Sunday, we invite you to use the Jerusalem Prayer or other worship aids posted online.