Christ is Risen, Indeed!
Romanian Orthodox are ending a Holy Week cycle of Liturgical services, many of which last 3-4 hours, when most are on their knees, prostrating themselves, and lighting and extinguishing candles as the various Biblical stories are sung.
Romanian Orthodox are ending a Holy Week cycle of Liturgical services, many of which last 3-4 hours, when most are on their knees, prostrating themselves, and lighting and extinguishing candles as the various Biblical stories are sung.
Saturday night–last night at midnight, the faithful gathered outside churches all over Romania to celebrate the miracle of Resurrection. At 11:45 PM church bells from all over our small city of Tulcea invited all who would worship.
People streamed through the church gate. Some carried candles or small covered red votives. Some carried larger covered candle lanterns from home. You see, on this night–this very special Resurrection night–light comes out of darkness. We receive it, lighting our own candles, and carry that light home, lighting the way for others and preserving the light in our homes as long as can.
After the short liturgical service, the celebrant intones: “Hristos a inviat!” and the people answer: “Adeverat a inviat!” And then they wend their way home, walking through the streets with their red votives and candles, a procession of light that then begins to dot the landscape as the lights are put in windows and on tables in apartments all over the city. And then some party and some head for bed.
This morning–May 5–Easter morning, seems hushed and expectant. Too often, I find the early morning sounds and smells irritating as they float through my bedroom window. Men smoke under my window; there is garbage, cats in heat yowl, dogs bark, roosters crow, and people talk in loud voices, even at 6 AM.
But this morning came with the stillness of the Garden and the empty tomb.
The dogs and cats had fallen silent.
The owls slept on.
Few cars wove sound patterns in my well-trafficked street.
The crows of the cocks of Tulcea, Romania put us all in mind of Peter’s failure of courage, and of Christ’s acceptance and redemption.
When human voices broke the stillness, miraculously they were not fighting or shouting or joking. The men who usually smoke under my window today greeted each other with “Hristus a inviat!” and responded: “Adeverat a Inviat!” and miraculously walked on.
Wherever you are and whatever you are doing today, please remember that in many parts of the world closest to where Jesus walked and ministered, today is Resurrection Sunday. Orthodox believers in Romania trace their Christian heritage to the first century after Christ.
Today, with them, we can rejoice that “Christ is Risen!” and know that “He is Risen, Indeed!”
Resurrection blessings from Tulcea, Romania to all of you!
Elizabeth Searles
PC(USA) Mission Co-worker and
Global Ministries Mission Associate (UCC / DOC)
partnered with NOROC, Inc.
“New Opportunities for Romanian Orphaned Children”
in Tulcea, Romania