“Loving Globally”–Area Executive preaches at Living Water Christian Church (Parkville, MO)
Here’s an instant replay of what happened in worship at Living Water Christian Church:
- We heard the Scripture readings from the paraphrase The Message – first Isaiah 65:17-25 and then Luke 21:5-19. In both, there is a picture of what will happen in the “end times.” In Isaiah, it is a picture of the restoration of all Creation. In Luke, Jesus is telling us that there will be trials before the end.
- We heard from guest preacher Peter Makari. He told us that the first missionary for the Christian Church (Disicples of Christ) was Dr. James Barclay. He went to Jerusalem with the intent of “converting the Jews to Christianity.” He understood his role as someone who would usher in the 1,000 year reign of Christ.
- We learned that missionaries in Jerusalem today have a much different attitude. Today they represent the Christian faith in a place where the primary tensions are between Jews and Muslims. They want to respect the faith of others and work toward peace in that part of the world.
- We thought about this vision Isaiah gives us – this perfect world. It would have been easy for God to give the vision then just sit back and wait for us to do something about it. But God put “skin in the game” by coming as Emmanuel – God with us, in the flesh. In Jesus, God walks with us as we work to bring this peace to our broken world. We celebrated that at the table.
- We prayed to be peace-filled people so we can bring peace to the world.
Click here to visit the church’s website and listen to the podcast of worship.