Critical Presence in Critical Times Special Appeal

Critical Presence in Critical Times Special Appeal

Global Ministries is launching a special appeal in order to offset part of the decline that the Global Ministries budget will see in 2010 because of the dramatic downturn in the U.S. economy, especially in invested funds.

September 2009

Dear Friends:

Greetings to all friends of Global Ministries in the name of Jesus, the original Critical Presence!

Global Ministries is launching a special appeal in order to offset part of the decline that the Global Ministries budget will see in 2010 because of the dramatic downturn in the U.S. economy, especially in invested funds.  The Critical Presence in Critical Times appeal invites persons and households to give “over and above” their regular giving to Global Ministries for the purpose of securing much needed operating funds for the Global Ministries 2010 budget.   The goal is to provide $500,000 for the Global Ministries 2010 budget. 

Since last Spring, declines in revenue for 2010 have been projected from WCM and DOM endowment funds and from denominational mission funding that will total approximately $800,000.  Global Ministries is faced with making significant adjustments in all aspects of the work in order to take into account this projected decline in revenue for 2010.  Such due diligence also includes Critical Presence in Critical Times, a positive effort to raise necessary resources for 2010.   

These gifts will be, by nature, unrestricted as they will be applied to the 2010 operating budget for Global Ministries.  “Operating expenses” in Global Ministries cover all aspects of the work, such as funding support for global partner churches and programs, the appointment of missionaries, mission interpreter training, and all areas of Global Ministries work of Critical Presence. Gifts to Critical Presence in Critical Times can be contributed anytime between now and the end of 2010.  This special appeal is a one-time effort in addition to the regular appeals carried out in the Spring and toward the end of each year. 

As of August 1, 2009, Critical Presence in Critical Times has received commitments and gifts from 18 persons/families closest to Global Ministries, including the two Co-Executives, the two Co-Chairs of the Common Global Ministries Board, two additional board members, and eight home-based staff. We invite you who have a strong connection to the work of Global Ministries to join us by giving to Critical Presence in Critical Times by making a gift online or sending the information requested below to the Global Ministries Resource Development staff. We appreciate your participation in this proactive effort to face the challenges of 2010 in faith and care for the ministries that we all treasure.


Cally Rogers-Witte
Co-Executive, Global Ministries
David Vargas
Co-Executive, Global Ministries

Deborah Blood
Common Global Ministries Board

Linda McCrae
Common Global Ministries Board




Copy and paste the following into an email to or print and send to either of the addresses listed below. Please do not send credit card information via email.

I/We wish to participate in Critical Presence in Critical Times


NAME: _____________________________________________________________________ 

ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________

CITY: ____________________________________________  STATE: _____   ZIP: ________

PREFERRED PHONE: [________] _________________________ 

E-MAIL: ____________________________________________  

LOCAL CHURCH:  _____________________________________________________________
                                    Name                           City                                State

___ I/we wish to give anonymously


In support of the Critical Presence in Critical Time Initiative, I/we give: $ ___________

RECURRING GIFT within period beginning now until December 31, 2010

My/Our gift of ___________ amount will be contributed as follows: 

$__________     Per Month for ________ months

$__________ in _______ Installments

AUTOMATED RECURRING GIFT within period beginning now until December 31, 2010

____  I/we would like to receive information on how to make an automated recurring gift for Critical Presence in Critical Times

by _____  credit card or ______ electronic funds transfer. 

Date    ________________________________________

Please return this information form and gifts to:

Global Ministries
P.O. Box 1986
Indianapolis, IN   46206
Make check payable to Division of Overseas Ministries


Global Ministries
700 Prospect Avenue, 7th Floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Make check payable to Wider Church Ministries

Please note on the check: Critical Presence in Critical Times