Death of Paul K. Shumaker

Death of Paul K. Shumaker

It is with deep sorrow that Global Ministries communicates the death of Paul K. Shumaker on July 5, 2009.  For more than eight years, Mr. Shumaker was a close friend and generous supporter of Global Ministries staff, missionaries, programs, and many global partner colleagues around the world.  Paul was convinced that God’s mission of justice and peace was global and always stood ready to learn about and affirm prophetic ministries.  Many members of Paul’s beloved congregation, St. Andrew Christian Church in Olathe, Kansas, as well as family members and young people from other Disciple churches went with Paul on Global Ministries People-to-People Pilgrimages to Angola, Guatemala, Kenya, Lesotho, and South Africa over the years.  Together with his wife, Dianne, Paul also visited India, where the Shumaker School of Nursing was dedicated at the Vadala Mission in Maharashtra.

“Paul Shumaker was a quiet, silent missionary of Global Ministries,” Global Ministries Co-Executive David Vargas told staff in a recent gathering.  “Early on Paul expressed his desire to join with Global Ministries in its ministry of Critical Presence and we are tremendously grateful for his companionship along this journey of mission.” 

Reverend Dr. Vargas and Reverend Jane Sullivan-Davis, Global Ministries Executive for Resource Development, who worked closely with Paul over the years, attended Mr. Shumaker’s memorial service at St. Andrew Christian Church on July 8, 2009, led by Reverends Tom Minges and Holly McKissick.  Hundreds of family and friends were present to celebrate Paul’s life and, as Reverend McKissick stated, “Paul would want us to honor his generous spirit by strengthening our own generous spirits of giving.”  For more information on the life, work as an engineer-inventor, family, and inspirations of Paul Shumaker, click