Statement on the Gaza crisis by the Communion of Churches in Indonesia
Statement on the Gaza crisis by the Communion of Churches in Indonesia
The Communion of Churches in Indonesia, in its January 6 statement, “strongly condemns the tragedy of humankind” in th Gaza Strip.
“The Communion of Churches in Indonesia (CCI) expresses its deep concern over the tragedy of humankind taking place at Gaza Strip. During the last one week, the attack of Israel against the people of Palestina at Gaza Strip has claimed at least 485 death casualty including 80 children and 2500 wounded. What makes it more apprehensive is that most of the victims are unarmed civilians.
The CCI, views that Israel’s aggression at Gaza Strip and Hamas rocket attacks against Israel, that initiated the aggression, has stained the international law and peace efforts which are still in progress in the Middle East. War and violence, on whatever reason, will not solve the problems thoroughly for the Palestinian society and the Middle East in general.”