Motorcycles and Outboard Motors for Work of Church Leaders
Republic of Congo (Brazzaville)
The Eglise des Disciples du Christ au Congo (EDCC), Church of the Disciples of Christ of the Congo of the Republic of Congo, is a relatively young church founded in 1995 as a mission of the Community of the Disciples of Christ of the Congo (CDCC) in neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Over 100 years ago, U.S. missionaries founded the CDCC in what today is the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), formerly known as Zaire. The CDCC has been affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States since 1899. Global Ministries helped fund a missionary from the CDCC to the EDCC from 1995 to 2003 at which point the EDCC became an autonomous church. Global Ministries gladly continues to provide much of the funding for the work of the EDCC.
The Republic of the Congo (RC) is a fragile country that suffered through war in 1997. Economically, the country seems to have somewhat recovered from that tragedy. The economy seems as strong now as it was before the fighting. Socially, the country is still much divided along ethnic and linguistic lines, primarily divided among three major groups. This social division continues to cause problems.
The primary growth of the EDCC can be seen in the Cuvette and Likouala Regions. Small groups are also springing up in many villages that wish to become parishes of the EDCC. This young and rapidly growing church is staffed primarily by young untrained pastors who desire and need the supervision of more experienced pastors and local church leaders. In the EDCC there are very few pastors who have completed theology degrees.
The EDCC is now working in four regions of the country. The Secretary General and the four regional ministers need transportation to supervise the local pastors and to continue the current evangelism in the EDCC. This is especially true of the Cuvette and Likouala Regions where access to the villages is only by water. Five motorcycles, one for the General Secretary and for each of the four regional ministers, and two out-board motors for the Cuvette and Likouala Regions will provide the transportation needs of the EDCC for the next few years.
New reliable motorcycles and out-board motors can be purchased in the cities of Brazzaville and Pointe Noire. Two motorcycles will remain in Brazzaville for the Regional Minister and General Secretary, one will remain in Pointe Noir for that Regional Minister, and two motorcycles and two out-board motors will be sent to the Cuvette and Likouala Regions to be used by the respective regional ministers. The total cost for this project about is $20,000.00.