Letter from Bishop Bolocon of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
On behalf of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP), allow me to express to you all our deepest appreciation for your expressions of sympathy and solidarity over the brutal assassination of the Rev. Edison Lapuz, a dedicated, able leader of the UCCP, a fearless defender of the cause of justice for the exploited and the weak, a faithful servant of Jesus Christ.
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
On behalf of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP), allow me to express to you all our deepest appreciation for your expressions of sympathy and solidarity over the brutal assassination of the Rev. Edison Lapuz, a dedicated, able leader of the UCCP, a fearless defender of the cause of justice for the exploited and the weak, a faithful servant of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your prayers and words of condolences especially for the bereaved wife and two children of Brother Edison. Thank you for challenging us to overcome and break the climate of fear that now pervades in communities that saw the brutalities of killing. Thank you for inspiring us to persevere and to be ever vigilant so that the sacredness of life, which is God’s precious gift, is always defended. Thank you for your solidarity with the UCCP’s prophetic witness, acknowledging it as a ministry in the Philippines on behalf of the church throughout the world. Thank you all for your statements of support, for your letters of appeal, and your calls for action.
You have graciously offered to the memory of the Rev. Edison Lapuz, and of the many who have died before him, some special gifts: that many ears have heard the cause for which he died; that many hearts have known the greatness of God’s love held deeply by Rev. Lapuz and expressed in his selfless offering of life for the downtrodden; that many voices have joined his cry for love and justice amidst situations that engender pain and anger. This cry is loud a prayer that the Lord of compassion will not fail to hear. The day will come when the powerful in all lands shall learn that God alone reigns supreme over the lives of all creation.
Please continue to pray and work with us as we face continuing enormous challenges. Attached is “A UCCP Update on the Brutal Murder of Rev. Edison C. Lapuz”. Again, for all that you’ve done and will do with us, our heartfelt thanks.
Very sincerely,
Bishop Elmer M. Bolocon
General Secretary