YWCA Palestine Statement on International Youth Day 2021

Young women and men in Palestine face many challenges; the biggest is the continuation of the long-term colonial occupation, which requires serious international efforts to resolve it radically to comply with the International Humanitarian Law that call to end the occupation and allow people to live in peace, justice and dignity everywhere.
On the occasion of “International Youth Day”, the Palestinian young women and men, despite challenges, work nationally to embody the foundations of democracy and human rights, and demand the State of Palestine to take the necessary measures to preserve freedom of opinion and expression, adhere to the rules of the Palestinian Basic Law, build state institutions that are based on human rights principles, and respect the international covenants to which the State of Palestine has consented to in 2014. In addition, increase their active participation in official political positions to ensure a more balanced political representation.
YWCA Palestine calls upon all countries of the world to end the occupation first. It also calls upon the State of Palestine in specific to ensure freedom of opinion and expression for Palestinian youth and protect their right to peaceful demonstration. We affirm the importance of implementing International Resolutions particularly UN Security Council Resolution 2250. On this occasion, YWCA – Palestine announces the development of a program for youth, security and peace in accordance with Resolution 2250, through which it intends to work with the youth sector in Palestine to form a national coalition that works to activate the “Youth, Peace and Security” agenda and the international resolutions related to youth and human rights, youth and sports, youth and sustainable development, youth in armed conflicts, and youth and democracy.
We will continue to move forward to achieve the goals and ambitions of Palestinian youth in cooperation with all organizations, commissions and coalitions that advocate the protection of youth rights at the international, regional and national levels.