YWCA of Palestine – Psychological Support and Relief for Women and Children in the Jenin Refugee Camp

YWCA of Palestine – Psychological Support and Relief for Women and Children in the Jenin Refugee Camp

Beginning on July 3, 2023, the Israeli military attack on Jenin refugee camp and surrounding areas lasted for 48 hours, resulting in casualties, damage, and displacement of thousands fleeing the camp.

Israeli Occupation Forces opened fire on the refugee camp, including hospitals, churches, and mosques, as well as journalists reporting on the invasion. The attack, using airstrikes as well as a ground invasion, cut off most of the city’s water and electricity supply. As a result, the bulldozed Palestinian roads and homes also prevented ambulances from helping injured Palestinians. 

Jenin is a densely populated area, with more than 14,000 Palestinians living within a plot of land approximately 0.16 square miles in size. Today, more than 3,500 people have been internally displaced, either because their homes have been damaged or destroyed, or due to safety concerns. Internally displaced persons have been staying in government buildings, hotels, mosques, churches, in the government hospital, or with relatives in the surrounding cities.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed that since the start of the invasion, twelve Palestinians, including five children, have been killed in Jenin. Furthermore, at least 143 people have been injured, of whom at least 20 are reportedly in critical condition. According to the International Law, International Human Rights Law, and Fourth Geneva Convention, Israel has no right to invade Palestinian cities and must be held accountable for its war crimes.

Read the Disciples and UCC leaders’ statement on the recent Israeli operation in Jenin.

The YWCA of Palestine, a Global Ministries partner, is a member of the Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Forum to Combat Violence Against Women, which consists of 17 human rights and women’s institutions in the West Bank. This Forum has launched a campaign to provide psychological support and relief for women and children in the Jenin refugee camp. The YWCA of Palestine is raising funds for delivering “Safety Bags for Women and Families” for those who were forced to leave their homes after being demolished. Each bag costs $50 and includes necessities. Both Global HOPE/One Great Hour of Sharing (UCC) and Week of Compassion (Disciples) have committed support for this appeal.

If you would like to support the YWCA of Palestine’s work and the delivery of safety bags for women and families from the Jenin Refugee Camp, you may do so using the Global Ministries online donation page, and typing “YWCA-Jenin” in the Project, Partner, or Mission Personnel box. Additionally, you can support this project through the Global HOPE/OGHS giving page or the Week of Compassion giving page. When giving through the Global HOPE/OGHS or Week of Compassion donation pages, please designate your gift for “International Response” in the drop-down menu, and type “YWCA-Jenin” in the Comments box.