WCC calls for urgent humanitarian response in Gaza and UN-Led criminal investigation

WCC calls for urgent humanitarian response in Gaza and UN-Led criminal investigation

The World Council of Churches (WCC), in consultation with heads of churches and representatives of Palestinian Christian organizations within the Jerusalem Liaison Office Advisory Group, is making an urgent call for an international investigation led by the United Nations into the numerous war crimes committed against civilians during the ongoing conflict.

These grave violations include the recent shelling of Al Ahli Hospital that now seems to be in dispute as to who is responsible for such an incomprehensible attack on civilians, including many children. The WCC emphasizes the critical importance of confirming facts and ensuring accountability for all perpetrators responsible for the atrocities against civilians with the hope that they can be brought to book.

The WCC further underscores the necessity of addressing the root causes of the current conflict, which are deeply intertwined with decades of occupation, prolonged sieges on Gaza, and the systematic violation of fundamental human rights.

Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay, WCC general secretary, expressed, “Our churches in the Holy Land are an integral part of the Palestinian community. All people in the Holy Land are suffering, regardless of their religion or ethnicity. As a worldwide fellowship, we stand in solidarity with our churches and share their prayers for healing and justice.”

Pillay called on respect for international law—including the Geneva Convention—international humanitarian law, and human rights to be respected and upheld to protect all civilians and for a negotiated release in good will of all hostages and prisoners between all parties. 

Pillay concluded: “We call on all leaders to work for just peace in the Holy Land. Only justice will lead to peace, end of the occupation, safety, and security for all.” 

Members of the Jerusalem Liaison Office Advisory Group have highlighted the immense humanitarian needs faced by the people of Gaza. Churches and church institutions are actively providing shelter and services to all displaced individuals, regardless of their religious or cultural background. Gaza is in dire need of access to clean water, food, electricity, and essential humanitarian support to ensure people can live in dignity and security.

The Jerusalem Liaison Office Advisory Group remains steadfast in its commitment to advocating for justice, addressing urgent humanitarian crises, and actively working toward a comprehensive resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  May we continue to pray and work for just peace in Israel and Palestine: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9).

Related: Take action to call for a cease fire and address humanitarian needs