Pray with Paraguay, June 30, 2024

Pray with Paraguay, June 30, 2024

Lectionary Selection:  Mark 5:21-43

Prayers for Paraguay

Heavenly God of all nations!

We lift up a prayer of gratitude for our Paraguay. You have always kept it under your infinite grace and your renewed mercy. As a nation, through our rulers, at times, we failed you. We did not honor your name by neglecting our brothers of more disadvantaged conditions, the ever-present acts of corruption, the absence of coherence between the words and deeds of our authorities, and the lack of justice. We ask forgiveness for all of them. We pray for every heart of the people who occupy positions of power in our nation to be touched by your transforming power, to provide us with leaders, both men and women, who are God-fearing, wise, prudent, who love integrity, and who respect ethics. We also pray for the Paraguayan churches that profess the Triune God, that your presence accompanies them, your Holy Spirit guides them, and that they may abound in grace and power, giving testimony of your great love. We especially ask for your Christian Church Disciples of Christ in Paraguay. Bless them so they may advance in their mission and announce the good news throughout our nation. In gratitude and reverence, we raise our petition for all the above-mentioned in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Mission Moment from Paraguay

Paraguay, considered the heart of South America, covers a total area of 406,752 square kilometers, divided into two regions, naturally separated by the Paraguay River, which originates in Brazil and ends at the mouth of the Paraná River. The Paraguayan territory is divided into 17 departments, three in the western region and 14 in the eastern region, plus the Capital District (Asunción). The Christian Church Disciples of Christ in Paraguay (ICDC) churches are settled in the capital district, Asuncion, where they have four congregations, and in the following areas: Central (2 congregations), Cordillera (2 congregations), Caaguazú (3 congregations), Alto Paraná (1 congregation), Canindeyú (1 congregation), San Pedro (1 congregation), and Misiones (1 congregation). That is to say, we are present in 7 areas plus the capital.

The motto of the Christian Church Disciples of Christ in Paraguay (ICDC) is “A Church that advances in its Mission.” One challenge we currently face is to grow into having churches in the remaining 10 regions of Paraguay.

Since 1920, the Christian Church Disciples of Christ in Paraguay (ICDC) has run the Colegio Internacional school through the United Christian Missionary Society and the Christian Women Board of Missions, later known as Global Ministries.

The Christian Church Disciples of Christ in Paraguay (ICDC) received assistance with missionary presence until the 1970s. After that, Global Ministries, through the Division of Overseas Ministries, today Disciples Overseas Ministries (DOM), continued and continues to support specific programs or projects, such as the EcoFarm 2020 project developed at Camp Jack Norment and others through Friendship Mission Social Work. We thank God for this partnership and support.

Written by Pastor Carlos Vicente Chávez Ledezma,
President of the Christian Church Disciples of Christ in Paraguay

Mission Partners in Paraguay

More about Paraguay

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