Statements on Climate Change and Peace from the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC)

Statements on Climate Change and Peace from the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC)

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 We, the members of the General Committee of the All Africa Conference of Churches met in Nairobi, Kenya on 8-9th May 2024 and remembered all who were hit hard by the floods that affected Kenya, and the surrounding countries in the region like Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, DRC and Rwanda. The incessant rains that were received in the region over the past weeks have massively affected livelihoods of the people with several deaths and injuries being recorded. Families have been displaced, and property destroyed while critical social and economic activities have been disrupted. 

In the face of this crisis which is a direct result of climate change, as people of God and as one body of Christ, inspired by our vision of life, peace, justice, and dignity of God’s people: 

1) We sympathize and stand in solidarity with all who have been and are still affected by the deadly effects and impact of climate change and pray for God’s intervention. 

2) We appeal to the humanitarian community to mobilize resources for emergency and long-term response 

3) We CALL on All duty bearers to respond to issues of climate change. 

4) We CALL for the establishment of country-level mechanisms that guarantee speedy access to the resources by the most vulnerable communities as an act of expression of God’s love for all. 

“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them” (1 Timothy 2:1) 


 We, the members of the General Committee of the All Africa Conference of Churches met in Nairobi, Kenya from 8-9 May 2024 considered the increasing and deteriorating situation of insecurity in some countries in Africa. We express our profound worries for what continues to happen in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), in Sudan, and in the North-West and South-West regions of Cameroon where fighting continues. We are also disturbed by the continued suspicion and insecurity in the Great Lakes region especially between DRC, Rwanda and Burundi. It is sad that the war in DRC continues while there were Nairobi and Luanda processes respectively focusing on ending all forms of armed conflict. 

We lament the deaths of innocent people and are concerned about the plight of civilians amid these hostilities and suspicion. 

Having been reminded that the Love of Christ compels us to work for Justice and peace: 

1) We strongly condemn all use of violence and stand in solidarity with the people of eastern DRC, Sudan and Cameroun 

2) We appeal to the armed forces in DRC, Sudan and Cameroon engaged in armed confrontations to implement an immediate ceasefire in order to halt the destruction of human lives and to ensure the protection of civilians. 

3) We CALL on all those involved in the crises in DRC, Sudan and Cameroon to return to political dialogue in the supreme interest of the citizens. 

4) We CALL on all duty-bearers in Africa and the international communities to intentionally commit to the causes of justice and peace in the affected regions. 

5) We appeal to humanitarian agencies to mobilize and support the internally displaced persons and refugees. 

Inspired by our vision of life, peace, justice, and dignity of God’s people, having been reminded by our call as peacemakers by God of peace who obligated us to work for peace and justice, we commit to intentionally pursue to work towards peace anchored on justice and dignity in the continent of Africa. 

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God”. (Matthew 5:9)