MECC: A Coordination Meeting Between MECC, UCC and Global Ministries

MECC: A Coordination Meeting Between MECC, UCC and Global Ministries

With the aim of strengthening the ecumenical ties, the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Dr. Michel Abs held a coordination meeting with the Executive Director of the organizations, Global Ministries and the United Church of Christ, Dr. Peter Makari, and the Acting Associate General Minister and Co-Executive of Global Ministries Reverend Shari Prestemon, on Friday 5 July 2024, at his residence in Beirut. 

During the meeting, the attendees discussed many topics, especially the circumstances that the Middle East is passing through at the various security, social, humanitarian and economic levels. As well as, Dr. Abs presented an overview of the of the Middle East Council of Churches’ situation and its most prominent programs, in addition to its work priorities and future aspirations.

[This article was originally posted on the Middle East Council of Churches’ website on July 10, with photos.]