Pray with Syria, March 9, 2025

Pray with Syria, March 9, 2025

Lectionary Selection:  Luke 4: 1-13

Prayers for Syria

God our Father and Savior, our Shepherd who cares about each of His sheep and knows everyone by his name, we know that You have been watching what has been happening in our country, Syria, and in the Middle East region – the soil that was blessed with Your incarnation and resurrection. You were watching the suffering of people who died and of those who became displaced, refugees, and hopeless. We always ask ourselves why You allow such suffering to happen and how we can bear such daily experiences. We know that You are the absolute love and You never would allow any of Your sheep to suffer. Many died, slaughtered, and even beheaded for being faithful to their faith in Your name. But Your love and care teach us hidden lessons that we have to discern in the midst of our sufferings. One lesson is that we should not fall into the temptation of mistrust of Your caring but maintain our faith in You, like when You were tempted by evil when evil tried to take advantage of Your weakened physical state after Your fasting in the wilderness. You gave us a lesson that without the support of the Holy Spirit, we would lose the right path. We learn that what will happen in every moment of our lives is governed by Your will.

Our God and Father, we know that You have a plan for each one of your sheep. Give us always the strength to be good witnesses in the difficult contexts in which we live. We become very tired and hopeless by seeing no clear future ahead of us as we witness what is happening in Syria every day. We pass every day with the same temptation You passed through in the wilderness and we are subject in every moment to be tested by evil who is awaiting the right moment to test us.

Help us, Father, that our way be always Your way, and that our will be Your will so we can pray like David: Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23: 6)

Mission Moment from Syria  

God always has a plan and desire to reflect His love and care for His suffering people. Our God is always using the community of the faithful in mysterious ways to show that He is always in our midst. His presence and caring can be seen in different ways and symbols. One of His ways is the mission of generosity that we demonstrate towards every suffering person irrespective of their background. We never know how our God brings people together to fulfill His mission. One evidence of that is when the Disciples and UCC, through Global Ministries, became a partner of the Middle East Council of Churches years ago. We may ask, how did we become partners sharing destinies and will, faith and mission, vision and a shared future? Our work together fulfills God’s plan to demonstrate that we are His stewards to proclaim the Good News and peace through deeds. Although you share the financial resources we receive, in God’s family, there is no giver or recipient, no Jew or Greek. We are all the guests of his banquet that is prepared for all. Your financial support, collected from each widow mite, makes a difference in each life of people in need, those who carry the image of the crucified Lord on the cross. You can touch the joy we plant in the hearts of those who receive your support through us. Each penny you gave to the MECC, either for lifesaving items, medicine, resilience activities, easing the suffering of depressed people through psychological support, or building the capacity of humanitarian stewards, has been invested with utmost care and love as well as with utmost accountability and transparency. Your partnership is a true expression of love and solidarity, a true example of the sibling bond that unites people in Jesus Christ. Your commitment to consider our story as your story is indeed an expression of what our Lord said: For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Mathew 18:20).

Thanks to the Disciples and UCC through Global Ministries for enabling us to bring joy and hope to many broken hearts.

Written by Samer Laham, Regional Director of Diakonia Department, Middle East Council of Churches

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