Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem–April 2009 Newsletter
Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem–April 2009 Newsletter
“Easter in the Diocese of Jerusalem
In the Jerusalem Diocese, we observe many of the same traditions as Anglican communities around the world. Lenten fasts, Palm Sunday processions, Easter Eve vigils, and joyous Easter morning services are just a few of many common ceremonies and rituals. Christians in the Holy Land participate in the tradition of buying new clothes for Easter, to symbolize the beginning of a new life. Easter eggs and bunnies decorate homes as families gather for the Easter feast.
Easter is a true family gathering in the Holy Land – much larger than even Christmas in the United States and is known as ‘Al Eid Al Ka’beer’ or ‘The Great Feast.’ During Easter, Christians in the Middle East observe an Arab tradition of visiting family and friends, in particular checking on women relatives to make sure they have everything they need.”
Click to read the entire newsletter, including the rest of this story.