Celebrating a Centenary in Australia! February 2007
Tod and Ana Gobledale – Australia

The Centenary Celebrations at Churches of Christ Theological College (CCTC) in Mulgrave, Australia, our international partner in mission, started earlier this year with a week-long conference.
Xiaoling Zhu, Global Ministries Executive for East Asia and the Pacific addressed “Who is Jesus in Asia Today” to a packed ecumenical crowd. David Vargas, President of DOM, as keynote for the weeks’ celebrations, brought a message celebrating partnership in mission and challenging us all to be voices for the voiceless in our mission mandate. Bill Tabbernee, President of Phillips Theological Seminary, presented a fantastic lecture on “Women in the Early Church” followed by a panel of current women in the church, chaired by Ana Gobledale. Tod Gobledales facilitated a morning on “Contextual Mission.” David and Xiaoling met with many church leaders including Peter Overton, Director of the Overseas Mission Board of Churches of Christ in Australia.
CCTC Centenary Celebrations continue throughout this year.

Ana and Tod Gobledale, our Global Ministries missionaries serving at CCTC, complete their term of appointment in December 2008 when they will return to the USA for six months of itineration.
The Gobledales serve the Common Global Ministries Board at Churches of Christ Theological College (Seminary) in Australia. Currently, their son, Mandla, attends Occidental College in Los Angeles, and their daughter, Thandiwe, has begun a 2-year appointment with Global Ministries at the Family Village Farm near Vellore, India.