CEOSS Supports Peaceful Demonstrations and Calls for the Cohesion of People

CEOSS Supports Peaceful Demonstrations and Calls for the Cohesion of People


In a statement today, CEOSS commended the peaceful demonstrations that started last Sunday,  carrying Egyptian flags that looked like one big flag covering Egypt with a powerful voice crying “Long live Egypt”.

This was stated by Dr. Rev. Andrea Zaki, CEOSS General Director who greeted and thanked the great people of Egypt of different political or religious affiliations for their commitment to achieve people’s demands in order to maintain the objectives of January Revolution.

The statement added that in the context of CEOSS mission and work for Egyptians, it emphasizes the importance of maintaining the security of the nation and the cohesion of its people. It also stated that CEOSS supports the responsible role the armed forces and police played in the current situation, and appreciates all promise given by their leaders to prevent all the dangers that threaten the state and cause chaos.    

Dr. Zaki concluded his statement saying: “As we always promised, we will still be at the service of the nation through our continuous interaction with citizens, especially the most marginalized and particularly in such critical circumstances”, stressing the need to renounce violence and not hurting individuals or property, whether public or private. He also called on the people to trigger all initiatives that call for co-existence, acceptance of others and political, cultural and religious pluralism.

In separate interviews on Egyptian Satellite Television and local Channel 1, as well as on the program, “Good Morning, Egypt!), Dr. stressed the importance of peaceful demonstrations and called upon the presidency to take quick decisions responding to the demands of the people to have early presidential elections.

Dr. Zaki stated that it is always healthy to have peaceful demonstrations where citizens pro or against the regime can express their opinion freely, despite the few unfortunate violent incidents that took place in some areas on June 30.

In a couple of interviews on the Egyptian Television on June 30 and July 1, 2013, he said that the feeling of marginalization a great percentage of Egyptians felt has driven them to protest and call for their legitimate rights that the law and constitution has initially guaranteed them.

Therefore, it became a must for the presidency to respond quickly and directly to the demands of the people to have early presidential elections. It should study these demands thoroughly as long as they are in the framework of the law and the constitution.

He also stressed that the presidency must take a radical change in the dialogue with the political forces that represent the voices of the people. It should take a real initiative to build bridges of trust with the public. New veritable decisions that make Egyptians feel the real change must be taken to avoid the mistakes the president has referred to in his speech.

During the interviews, he also addressed the major demands of the people such as new government and new constitution, and above all early presidential elections which seems to be the only legitimate solution for Egyptians.