CEOSS sends letter to winner of Egyptian presidential elections
Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services sends letter to Pres. Morsi
Rev. Dr. Andrea Zaki, General Director of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS) and Vice President of the Protestant community in Egypt, sent a letter of congratulations to Dr. Mohamed Morsi on his inauguration as the president of Egypt. In his letter, Dr. Zaki stressed the importance of the solidarity of all segments of the community with the new president to build a new Egypt and to achieve democracy and justice among all citizens. The congratulations letter stated the following:
On behalf of the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS) and all the staff, we extend our sincere congratulations to you on that precious trust of the Egyptian people in the first free presidential elections taking place in Egypt. We trust that you will cooperate with all segments of the society in order to achieve democracy and social justice among all citizens and uplift the rule of law.
In his letter, Dr. Zaki prayed that God helps President Morsi and the presidential team supporting him in the leadership of Egypt during the next stage, to regain its leading role in the region and abroad and re-build a new modernized Egypt.