CMEP Mourns Death of Hostages and Massive Civilian Deaths in Gaza

CMEP Mourns Death of Hostages and Massive Civilian Deaths in Gaza

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) is deeply grieved by the death of six hostages killed late last week in Gaza. One of the hostages was an American citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, whose parents, Rachel Goldberg-Polin and Jonathan Polin, spoke at the Democratic National Convention on August 21. 

Since October 7, CMEP has continually called for the release of hostages taken captive into Gaza, as well as thousands of Palestinian prisoners held without due process of law. Our hearts go out to all families and loved ones of those who have lost their lives over the past ten-plus months. The value of every human life is sacred, and we mourn the loss of all lives caught in this ongoing conflict. We continue to demand the release of hostages who are held in Gaza and to call for an end to all violence between combatants and the Israeli military.

The continual cycles of violence and death must come to an immediate end. We must demand a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire based on international law through negotiations, which have consistently proven to be the most effective mechanism for securing the safe return of hostages. The path to peace and the preservation of life lies in dialogue, not in continued violence and increased militarization.

CMEP remains deeply concerned about the conditions of both the hostages in Gaza and the more than 9,000 Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. The reports emerging from Israeli detention facilities are alarming, and alongside other international NGOs, we strongly urge that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) be granted immediate access to both the hostages in Gaza and those held in Israeli prisons. Transparency and accountability are essential to ensure the humane treatment of all detainees and to prevent further loss of life.

We continue to mourn the deaths of the more than 40,000 Palestinian individuals who have been killed as a result of the larger context of the forced displacement and ethnic cleansing happening daily in Gaza and now increasingly in the West Bank by the Israeli military and extremist settlers. Between August 29th and September 2, 2024, 184 Palestinians were killed in Gaza. In the past week, more than 30 Palestinians, including seven children, have been killed as a result of military incursions into the West Bank, specifically focused around the area of Jenin. Israel’s ongoing  mass killings of civilians in Gaza must end immediately. To that goal, the international community must do everything it can to stop the military campaign, including ending the provision of military arms and assistance. As a community committed to peace and justice, we call on all parties to prioritize human life and dignity above all else. We continue to advocate for a permanent solution to this conflict that addresses the core causes and decades of violations of international human rights and for the protection of all those who are vulnerable.