CMEP Stands with the Diocese of Jerusalem in Expressing Dismay at the Closure of Al Ahli Arab Anglican Hospital in Gaza

CMEP Stands with the Diocese of Jerusalem in Expressing Dismay at the Closure of Al Ahli Arab Anglican Hospital in Gaza

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) stands with the Diocese of Jerusalem in expressing dismay at the closure of Al Ahli Arab Anglican Hospital in Gaza. The closure of the hospital, the evacuation, and the declaration of the area as a red zone, in addition to the firing upon the ambulance, are all unacceptable violations of humanitarian international law. International law demands that health establishments and units, including hospitals, should not be attacked. In addition, the already vulnerable, the wounded and the sick, and those seeking shelter should not be placed in further harm or jeopardy. We stand alongside the Most Reverend Archbishop Hosam Naoum in protesting this closure and calling for an end to all suffering and trauma. We call for a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire and for immediate and comprehensive humanitarian access into Gaza. CMEP’s executive director, Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon, says, “Hospitals are sacred places where the sick and suffering come to receive healing and care. For more than nine months, healthcare workers in Gaza, including those at Al Ahli Hospital, have put their lives in danger by providing basic services under the worst conditions and with limited and inadequate supplies. International humanitarian law must be respected, and the lives of all people must be protected. The more than nine months of war on Gaza that has had such devastating effects on civilians must be brought to an immediate end.” In addition, CMEP calls for an immediate return of hostages and the release of prisoners held unjustly in Israeli prisons and for a negotiated settlement that will address the core issues of the ongoing conflict.

Related: World Council of Churches strongly condemns attacks on Sacred Family School in Gaza, closure of hospital (July 8)