CMEP Action Alert: Mr. President, End the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict!
The life, death and resurrection of Jesus calls us to respond to his teachings and act both individually and collectively.
Join us and your fellow Christians in solidarity against the U.S. recognition of illegal settlements in Israel. Current developments have the ability to seriously aid or hinder the possibility of peace through a two state solution. Obama is in a position to influence and aid in maintaining the viability of a two state solution.
First, later this year, France is expected to introduce a resolution in the United Nations Security Council outlining a framework and timeline for negotiations. If negotiations are not concluded by a certain date, France plans to recognize the Palestinian state. Urge the president to support the resolution and France’s stance to end the conflict.
Second, language being added to the current trade bills hinders the possibility of a two-state solution by recognizing Israeli settlements as legitimate. Tell the president to make clear that the U.S. views Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine not merely as “illegitimate” and “foolish,” as it has already said, but as “illegal”; as well as clearly and unambiguously rejecting the language now in several bills pending in the Congress that would make protection of international trade with Israeli settlements an objective of US trade policy.