CMEP Bulletin: Low Water, High Tensions
Palestinian Man Stabs and Kills 13-year-old Israeli Girl Asleep in Her West Bank Home [Haaretz]
A civil guard responding to the Kiryat Arba attack shoots and kills the assailant while another Israeli is also wounded in the incident.
Israel Doubles Down on Settlement Policy [Middle East Institute]
Rivlin has made no secret of his preference for Israel’s outright annexation of the West Bank and the continued maintenance of Gaza. But supporting annexation to resolve the conflict is one thing; declaring the subject of two states as irrelevant is something else.
Settlers: 60,000 of Our People Suffering From Water Shortages [Jerusalem Post]
Some 60,000 settlers are suffering from water shortages in the West Bank, the Samaria Regional Council said on Monday, as part of its campaign to force the government to take the matter seriously.
Palestinians Say Israel Caused Their Summer Water Shortage [San Francisco Gate]
As Palestinians in the West Bank fast from dawn to dusk in scorching heat during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, tens of thousands of people have been affected by a drought that has greatly reduced the flow to their taps.
Background: Water Crisis [B’Tselem]
West Bank and Gaza Strip residents continuously suffer severe water shortages. In the West Bank, not enough water is provided to meet the population’s needs, whereas the main concern in Gaza is the poor quality of available water.